Tricks You Can Use to Win More Playing Bingo

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Bingo is a firm favourite of many gamblers. Whether you prefer to play the game online or in-house, knowing the tips and tricks is important if you want to win. This way, you can be in with the best chance of pocketing the jackpot and walking away with a profit. In this article, we explore a range of tricks you can use to win more playing bingo.

Know the Phrases

Before stepping into the bingo hall, the first thing to do it learn the phrases. If you’re unsure of the lingo, you’re unlikely to know what’s going on during the game and less likely to pocket that cash! Thankfully, the full list of phrases can be learnt easily online or by using a bingo dictionary. Below, we discuss some of the most common phrases.

  • Legs Eleven: The phrase ‘Legs Eleven’ is used when number 11 comes up. The reference is made because the number eleven resembles a pair of long legs.
  • Two Fat Ladies: This phrase is called when the number 88 appears. Many bingo phrases are used because the shape of the number resembles an image. In this case, the number 88 resembles two overweight women.
  • Lucky Seven: One of the simpler phrases, Lucky Seven refers to the number seven. This phrase is used because many people think of seven as a lucky number.
  • Unlucky for Some: This phrase refers to the number 13. As the name suggests, some people consider this number unlucky.
  • Clickety Click: When this phrase is called, the number 66 has come up. The origin of this phrase is unclear but many people believe it has roots in rhyming slang.
  • Garden Gate: This phrase definitely has roots in Cockney rhyming slang. Referring to the number 88, Garden gate is often used in bingo games.
  • Kelly’s Eye: Although this phrase isn’t as obvious as the others, regular players will know that it means number 1. The phrase is thought to refer to the Australian outlaw, Ned Kelly, who only had one eye.
  • Knock at the door: Also originating from Cockney rhyming slang, the phrase ‘Knock at the door’ is called when the number 4 appears.
  • Doctors Orders: Another unusual phrase, ‘Doctors Orders’ is called for the number 9. This phrase is thought to originate from World War II when Number 9 was the name of a popular laxative.
  • Dirty Gertie: Referring to the number 30, this is another phrase that has been taken from rhyming slang.

Choose the Right Game

If you want to win more when playing bingo, it’s important to choose the right game. As a beginner, choosing the right game can seem tricky. As there are so many different packages to pick from, how do you know which one is best for you? To a certain extent, you need to work this out through trial and error. However, most casinos are equipped with specific games for newbies so that beginners can get to grips with the game together. Settling into the environment with other new players means that you still have a chance to win the game – even though you’re just starting out! Many of these games feature an autoplay system that automatically marks the number off your card when it is called out. As well as being more convenient, this system allows you to watch how to game works whilst still being involved.

Buy More Cards

Another way to win more at bingo is to buy more cards. Although this may seem obvious, you’d be surprised at how many players fail to do so. Essentially, the more cards you have, the bigger your chances of winning! If you’ve got multiple cards, you’re more likely to have the numbers that are being called out. However, if you’re a newbie, having multiple cards can get confusing. With this in mind, we recommend that beginners start off with one card per game until they become more experienced.

Play With Less Competition

If you’re playing bingo via an online casino, a great tip is to play when there are fewer players online. With some casino games, the pot will increase if more players join the game; however, bingo isn’t one of them. The jackpot stays the same size whether there are 30 players or 100, so playing against fewer opponents will allow you to win more! Additionally, you are more likely to win if you have less competition, so playing during antisocial hours could pay off! Typically, online casinos are busiest between 7 pm and 1 am, so playing outside of these hours is advised.

Use Chat Rooms

Although some people avoid using chat rooms, they can actually be beneficial when used sensibly. Getting to know your opponents can not only make winning easier, but it can also make the game more fun! Additionally, you might pick up some handy tips and tricks from other players. While some players like to keep their tricks private, others will happily give you the down low on their secret to success.

Take a Break

While it’s true that practice makes perfect, it’s important to take a break occasionally. If you play for hours on end, you’re likely to become tired and unfocused. Taking a short break before returning to the game can help you to develop your strategy. It’s especially important to take a break if you’re playing online. Using a computer or mobile device for too long can have serious implications on your eye health, so taking time away from the screen is essential.

In Summary

Whether you’re an experienced bingo player or you’re just starting out, use the tricks above to win more when playing bingo. As always, it’s important to gamble responsibly. Consider your financial situation before using a physical or online casino, and only spend money that you can afford to lose.

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